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Diodes Incorporated (Nasdaq: DIOD), a Standard and Poor’s SmallCap 600 and Russell 3000 Index company, delivers high-quality semiconductor products to the world’s leading companies in the consumer electronics, computing, communications, industrial, and automotive markets. We leverage our expanded product portfolio of discrete, logic, analog, and mixed-signal products and leading-edge packaging technology to meet customers’ needs. Our broad range of application-specific solutions and solutions-focused sales, coupled with worldwide operations of 31 sites, including engineering, testing, manufacturing, and customer service, enables us to be a premier provider for high-volume, high-growth markets

Yearly Figures

(in thousands, except per share amounts)
FYE: 12/31 2023 2022 2021 2020
Net Revenues $1,661,739 $2,000,580 $1,805,162 $1,229,215
Net Income $227,182 $331,283 $228,763 $98,088
Earnings Per Share 4.91 7.20 5.00 1.88

Quarterly Figures

(in thousands, except per share amounts)
              Fourth Quarter
FYE: 12/31 12/31/23 12/31/23
Net Revenues $322,699 $496,212
Net Income $25,292 $92,051
Earnings Per Share 0.55 2.00

Contact Information

Contact Name: Larry Katz
Contact Title: Financial Analyst
Phone: 805-446-4800

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